What to do with today’s extra hour…?
27 October 2019
Remember that the clocks go back this weekend in the UK – that’s a whole extra hour to yourself on Sunday 27th October! So with all that time on your hands, you may as well sort out your self assessment tax return then…
There’s just three months to go to the 2018/19 #SelfAssessment return deadline so now’s the ideal time to gather your records for the period 6th April 2018 to 5th April 2019 and bring them in to the Evans Entwistle office. Starting the process early and giving yourself time to gather all the information you need will help avoid that stressful, late rush to file that so many succumb to post Christmas.
The team at Evans Entwistle specialise in taxation advisory services, so however simple or complex your personal affairs may be, we’re here to help – contact us to book a no obligation consultation.