The 10 Cashflow Commandments
18 May 2021
The 10 Cashflow Commandments
Given the turmoil of the past twelve months, the old adage “turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, cash is king” has never rung truer. Nothing closes a company quicker than a cash flow crisis, so we’ve put together a few tips to help your business mitigate against such a situation:
Spell it out – describe the product or service fully at the outset so the client understands, meaning less opportunity for any payment delaying queries.
A bird in the hand – if you’re in the service sector, ask for a percentage of the fee up front to give yourself some headroom; take the stance that you are ready to start if your client is ready to pay!
Split the difference – consider splitting a large bill into a number of smaller invoices; a client with cash flow issues is more likely to perceive a large balance as a problem and therefore sit on it, whereas smaller more manageable amounts will be paid more quickly.
Highlight terms – confirm terms upon engagement but also reiterate them on your invoice so that the payment deadline is clear, also pointing out any late payment action such as interest and charges.
Invoice promptly – after a project is completed, it’s all too easy to move on to the next one and forget to invoice, but a customer has no obligation to pay until the invoice is received. Don’t bill once a week or once a month, but as soon as the goods or services are delivered.
Credit…where it’s due? – if you’re offering a period in which to pay, use the phrase “Payment due within x days” as opposed to “Net 30” so that there can be no ambiguity over the timeframe – and if you’re not offering terms, be aware that the phrase “due on receipt” gives an argumentative customer ammunition to contend the date an invoice arrived
Make it easy – give the customer a range of payment options, and make sure information such as bank details is very visible; offer direct debits if it suits your business model so that clients pay upfront on a set day of the month, meaning you can plan to make your own outgoing payments several days later
The early bird…. yes, you want to be paid in full for work you have undertaken, but if it comes to the cash being in your pocket rather than the client’s, then you may want to offer a discount for payment within x days. The earlier you get paid, the less risk of something happening to your customer, plus from a working capital perspective, it lowers your cost of borrowing
Mind your manners – if the person paying the bill is not your immediate point of contact, then be sure to build a warm relationship with them too – plus research has shown that messages such as “thank you for your business” can increase the chances of your invoice being higher on the list of payables.
If all else fails… – if your customer simply won’t settle up, your next best option is the Government’s “Money Claim Online” (MCOL) portal which gives individuals and businesses a low cost route to take those who owe them fixed sums up to £100,000 to court without engaging legal representation. Fees apply which are scaleable, according to the size of the debt but if you are successful in your claim, you may add costs and interest to the sum owed. Ask our team for more information.
If you need advice on managing your cashflow, talk to our team of Chartered Management Accountants in Bristol or Cardiff.