Happy Clients Day!
19 March 2020
Today is Clients Day!
The concept of having a holiday that would celebrate clients worldwide and their contribution to various businesses, from multinational corporations to sole traders, originated in Klaipėda, Lithuania, in 2010, where a businessman said: “Why not acknowledge our clients? After all, clients are the foundation of every business” The idea snowballed and now businesses all over the globe celebrate the contribution that their clients make to their venture on March 19th.
We love this idea, and wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients for choosing us as their accountancy and tax advisory partner – in return we strive to make a positive difference to your financial affairs and are always on hand to assist with all business matters all year round, and not just at year end. We’d love to hear your feedback to help us make our service better, so please feel free to email us at mail@evansentwistle.co.uk or please leave a review